Council FAQs
Frequently asked questions about the Parish Council and how it is run.
So what does the Parish Council actually do?
In addition to this, the Council is a consultee on a wide range of issues from all planning applications to Highways issues. An important part of the Council’s job is to represent the community’s views at District, County and National level. The Council is made up of ten volunteers and employs one part-time clerk.
Where does the Council get its money from?
I'm interested in becoming a Parish Councillor – how do I go about it?
All applicants are then invited to a meeting of the Council where the members vote to decide who should be co-opted. Successful candidates are then invited to join the Council. In addition to this, the whole Council has to stand for re-election every four year and this is a good chance for new candidates to put their names forward.
So at election time, everyone in the village will have the chance to vote on who is on the Parish Council?
If there are more candidates than vacancies however, a full election will be held at the same time as the District elections.
I would be interested in putting my name forward as a Councillor but I've never done anything like this before – does this matter?
What's the Council's role in planning applications?
Why are all planning applications not discussed at the Parish Council meeting?
The Parish Council is under pressure from the District to get back responses as quickly as possible (the District in turn are under pressure to deal with applications as quickly as possible.) Large or controversial applications will normally be discussed at a Full Meeting of the Council.
If you have concerns about a particular application or would like more information on how to make a response please contact the Parish Clerk.
I'm not very happy about how the Council has handled something – how do I complain?
Please contact either the Clerk or Chairman. Details are on our Contact Us page.
All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence. Harbury Parish Council has a formal complaints procedure which is available on request from the Clerk.
I've got no idea who my local Councillors are – how do I find out?
See our Councillors page for a full list of Parish, District and County Councillors together with contact details. Alternatively, come along to a ‘Councillor’s Surgery’ held every other month on a Saturday morning outside the Harbury Supermarket.
How does the Council deal with the Freedom of Information Act?
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Harbury Parish Council is committed to proactively publishing information for the benefit of the community. A copy of the Model Publication Scheme can be read on our Policies page.
What is the Members Code of Conduct?
A new Code of Conduct was formally adopted by Harbury Parish Council at its meeting on 26 July 2012. It replaces the former model code of 2007 which was abolished with effect from 1 July 2012. The new code complies with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
How can we apply for a grant for our organisation?
The Parish Council periodically makes funds available for community organisations or activities. It will apply criteria when awarding grants as detailed in the document on our Policies page.
What are other Parish Council procedures and policies?
Other documents relating to the Parish Council can be read on our Policies page.
Who are the members of staff?
The Parish Office is run by the Clerk to the Council, Alison Biddle.
Alison looks after all the council’s business and implements the council’s decisions. She is also the Responsible Finance Officer and is involved in the preparation of the council’s budget and the accounts.
We also have a part-time cemetery assistant, Neville Sheasby, who helps to maintain the burial records.
What grounds does the Council own, and who maintains them?
The Parish Council owns and maintains the playing fields and play areas, the village greens and the cemetery. We are also responsible for mowing most of the verges in the village.
We employ a grounds maintenance contractor to look after them.
If you have any queries relating to grounds maintenance, please contact the Clerk.
What about street lights?
You can Report a faulty street light (opens in new tab) directly via WCC. This will result in a quicker ‘fix’ than contacting the Parish Council.
What about allotments?
What about the cemetery?
See the Harbury Cemetery page on this website for more information about the cemetery.
To make arrangements for interments or apply for permission to install memorials, please contact the Clerk.