Parish Council Office
The Parish Council Office is situated in the business centre next door to Bull Ring Garage, in the centre of the village. Members of the public are welcome to call in and discuss matters face to face with the parish clerk. We will be pleased to see you.
In the office, we have original copies of the meeting minutes, some hard copies of planning applications (most are now only available online), and a variety of other information relating to the village and the services provided by the parish council. We also hold the burial registers for Harbury Cemetery.
See the location of the office on our Contact Us page.
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday
10.00am to 12.00 noon
01926 614646
Alison Biddle is the Parish Clerk.
Alison is head of the council’s administration and is also the responsible financial officer. Alison deals with all aspects of parish council business and can be contacted at the parish council office of by email:
Other members of the council’s staff are:
- Carole Gwillam – our minute secretary, who attends all council meetings.
- Neville Sheasby – our cemetery assistant.
Our current grounds maintenance contractor is Michael Mann of Frank Mann Farmers. Any enquiries relating to grounds maintenance should be directed to the Parish Clerk.